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Welcome to St. Paul's Primary SchoolMonbulk’s Best Kept Secret

Monbulk’s Best Kept Secret
St Paul’s strives to create a special bond among the students, the home, the school, and the church, so that all can share in the strong sense of community.
St. Paul’s Primary School
meet our principal
My hope is that the experience we are trying to provide for you on this website gives you an accurate insight into the truly unique community that we are. We see ourselves as far more than a school – we are a community rich in diversity and welcoming to all. The best way to meet us is by starting with our online tour. Follow the links on this page and register today!
– Nick Frederiksen | St. Paul’s Primary School
It’s no real secret that the quality of a school is largely influenced by the quality of the teachers. We are so fortunate to have a rich diversity of talent, experience, enthusiasm and energy and our teachers truly care. They care for your children and they want nothing more than the best for them. We also believe teaching children is NOT only done at school. We strive hard to build partnerships with you – our parents. It’s what makes us who we are.
Let’s Talk Curriculum
We are proud to have a wide range of opportunities on offer
What year is your child
Starting School?
We have professionally produced dozens of videos that showcases the 4 levels within our school (Foundation, Year 1/2, Year 3/4 & Year 5/6. Most of our yearly intake is obviously in Foundation (Prep) but it’s also common for children to transfer from other schools into ours. Whichever level you are coming in – you will hear from the teachers within that level. We hope it will give you a great insight into what is on offer here at our wonderful school!
Follow the links to our online tour.
We can’t wait to share our story with you!
– Nick Frederiksen

We believe that the best education allows students to find purpose and have an impact on the world around them. When children are empowered to feel that they can make real and meaningful changes in the lives of others, they develop the confidence, resilience and empathy to live their lives in a way that will make the future brighter for everyone involved. We are committed to offering educational experiences that do just this.
have a taste of our online tour
We have produced some teaser videos below but the best way to meet us is to register and watch the full videos
learn online
A community resource by St. Paul’s Primary School
We take education seriously.
So seriously in fact that we want to extend education beyond the classroom and have it filter into the community.
One of the foundations of strong communities with healthy people (both mind and body) is access to education.
This free and growing resource is our way of sharing positive and inspiring messages that we feel will have a direct and positive impact on our community.
Something in here for all ages
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